【1072:8】Thread:Bag space request again.
Kastagir 2016-02-12 02:32:36 No.1072
I'M putting in a request for more bag space in the next update. So tired of my bags filling up so fast and having to stop my adventuring to go sell stuff. I found the one bag quest reward which helped but this is killing my fun. I want to stay out exploring and looting. Please increase bag space in the next update.
Bag space request again.Someguy  2016-02-12 03:07:37  No.1073
Since I keep seeing people requesting this I'm going to argue that lower bag space is better. I agree we could use a bit more, but the limited bag space actually adds some thinking to looting items. You have to learn what items are worth more than others while adventuring to make the most cash, which makes it more interesting than just auto looting everything.
Bag space request again.gunpwder  2016-02-12 06:02:27  No.1074
more bag space sounds good...no auto loot plz...ty.....maybe a quest for herb/gathering bag would be nice
Bag space request again.Falbal  2016-08-12 19:30:17  No.1464
Another problem is that our usable bag space actually goes down as we get further into the game. When the game begins, we have a teleport stone, which I assume everyone is carying with them at all times. Later on we get a compas, a mount and a pet, which are all meant to be carried around too, so now we have four slots less to use for drops. Add to that various potions, especially healing and mana potions, and we quickly fill our inventory with stuff that we take with us when we go on a hunt. Spaces that could have been used for drops if dragging those items along did not take up space in our inventory.

I wish they would make it so that whatever items we carry with us at all times do not take up space in the inventory, because the more we get of such items in the future, the less inventory space we will actually have.

Bag space request again.NoName  2016-08-13 14:42:19  No.1473
The original bag space is 24(6*4)
Bag space request again.NoName  2016-08-13 14:56:15  No.1474
The original bag space is 24(4*6),and the quest for more space can increase to 30(5*6) slots. Further, you can use scrub gem to buy extra slots, and the maximum of the bag space currently is 42 slots (7*6). But once you reach the maximum, you might not receive the future quest for more bag slots. Please see the previous thread "1024" or "About extra bag slot"
Bag space request again.Kastagir  2016-08-17 07:15:21  No.1479
You know what.its a single player game. Why is there a bag space issue anyway. It should be about how much weight you can carry based on strength. That's how it works in single player rpg's.
Bag space request again.Eric  2016-08-30 09:44:25  No.1503
I agree, I started playing today and the bag space is making it very hard to play the game. As soon as I am running back to the spot I was before I teleported to sell, I am already ready to sell again. Loot drops so much why would you not want to sell it? That is part of the fun of RPG's making MORE money!
Bag space request again.Wingedwolf  2016-09-15 13:51:24  No.1540
Personally I'm fine with the bag space , like another person said it's all about learning what to loot.. I would how ever like to see mounts and pets added to a menu or a stable system .. I mean I know it's a game but you'd need a mighty big bag to put a horse in it lol
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