Feedback 2016-01-12 20:25:00 No.325
I just found out about this game and it's free-to-play so I jumped right in. So far here is my feedback:

- The game feels an awful lot like World of Warcraft (which isn't a bad thing and I actually commend this), but there are some mechanics in WoW that I can't find here:
- Num lock doesn't auto move
- Holding both Mouse 1 and Mouse 2 (or scroll button down) doesn't allow me to walk without WASD
- When I have windows like Map, Bags, Character open, I expect to be able to pres Esc and have all of them closed
- When I have a target selected I also expect to be able to press Esc (or click on the ground) to deselect it, I also expect to press F1 to select myself, etc.
- I expect to be able to interact with NPCs and objects by pressing Mouse 2, not Mouse 1, Mouse 1 should only be for selecting NPCs and some objects

- Run speed is sort of slow and it feels like it takes forever to get from point A to point B. If Shift toggles between walk and run, why not make Shift sprint with sprint depending on Stamina or something and it depletes when used?
- I feel as if there is some input delay when using the mouse as if it turns the camera slower than expected
[Suggestions]LAMBDA471  2016-01-12 20:40:58  No.326
I forgot to add that having to not be moving in order to use skills is not a good idea, being able to move and using skills/abilities would be so much better.
[Suggestions]LAMBDA471  2016-01-12 21:17:52  No.327
I just remembered one more thing - quest locations on the map. So far it's really confusing to navigate, if it was intended for people to read the quest text and figure it out for themselves, I would agree, but if not, there should be markers on the map showing where to go at least.
[Suggestions]Tommy  2016-01-12 22:19:55  No.329
Ninelives is an open world RPG game. Also Fallout series, Skyrim, dayz, H1Z1 and WOW. They must have some similar gaming elements to suit the open world system. All of them has their pros and cons. You can't just say this game is awful lot like another game.

Your point is just focused on control. How about other things? Maybe something unique like no level system? Did you really explore enough this game? I can point out your first reply is wrong. Some skill can be used while moving.

If the game is really awful to you, it is just on Alpha and unfinished. You can just wait until they finish the game to rate and comment. Not depreciate other people games like this and leave your advice here. (I am a game developer too.)
[Suggestions]NoName  2016-01-12 23:19:38  No.331
- lock skillbar should lock ui movement
- settings for mouse sensivity
- mouse (hand) color should be white by default and interact on actions to green/red
- mouse should disappear on camera rotation
- jump need rework, too slow, dull animation
- can't rotate camera during option menu, but able to move (need consistency)
- hotkey to talk/interact/pickup
- walk should be quieter than run
- you should aim for higher texture resolutions
- no chat window?
- escape should close windows(bag, char menu) without popping main menu window
- first lvls should be an easy chain quest with explanation of world and game mechanic, right now when you pass first quest you just wandering around with no clue what to do.
[Suggestions]LAMBDA471  2016-01-13 06:22:08  No.334
@Tommy Wow, dude, chillax. I can relate to what you're saying, but something tells me English isn't your native language (not mine either), but you obviously have trouble understanding what I said. I never did say I disliked the game, I used a mans of expressing how NINELIVES is very similar to World of Warcraft, where did you see me say that "the game is awful for me"?

Like everyone else here I found that the game is free-to-play, so I downloaded it and gave it go. I spend about 30 minutes in the game and the reason I didn't spend more is that I'm playing two other games and I also go to work so I don't have more time to spare on a third game. I think I saw enough of the game to make up my mind that the game has a lot of potential and so I expressed my opinion on what I believe should make it into the game.

You need to chillax, man, and work on your English as well on your personality, if you can't take some criticism about something you cherish, you are off to a bad start. Have fun! :)
[Suggestions]Tommy  2016-01-13 10:47:35  No.336
However, everything you point out is only the missing mechanics and it may lead to others think you have not good impression to the game. And i just said if... No offense. Also i am calm, yea. Sorry for my bad english
[Suggestions]SoilFox  2016-01-13 21:48:43  No.346
*starts flipping tables*

Don't be calm!!!!
[Suggestions]Xat  2016-01-15 22:17:56  No.409
-Num lock doesn't auto move
Cause it's not WOW,scroll button is what you look for.

-I forgot to add that having to not be moving in order to use skills is not a good idea, being able to move and using skills/abilities would be so much better.
Some skill can be used while moving,if you play as mage then you will see.
Most skills in WOW can do that, but that's just too unreal, I can imagine the character in WOW break their back or spine when swing their weapon strongly while moving.

When you take these for granted, you really think every game should work like WOW.
Just to remind you this world is diverse,something different from your habit doesn't mean it has problem or need to improve.

I think Tommy misunderstood awful as terrible, but LAMBDA471 use awful as very.
(I am not a native speaker too.)
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